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I’m a songwriter, guitarist, and singer (in that order). I started writing songs when I was 13, two years after I began playing the guitar. “Juicy Lucy” was the first song I wrote, after seeing a picture of a restaurant with the same name. I remember how fun it was to create a story about two characters (Juicy Lucy and Dry Dan) and seeing my friends’ reactions when I played the song. I was hooked on songwriting and performing.

After playing in (mainly cover) bands in high school and college, I moved to Boston to perform originals at clubs including the Middle East, Club 3, and TT the Bears. I had a blast then and still love performing with other musicians.

I remember walking into a music store and hearing a song playing on the house system that I had written. An employee (and a guitarist I had worked with) had recorded and released it on his own. I took it as a compliment since he thought it was good enough to swipe. (BTW – feel free to cover any of my songs. Just give me a heads-up!)

I’m grateful to be writing songs and enjoy working with other singers and instrumentalists. Stay tuned for upcoming releases and shows. Feel free to let me know what you think of the songs by emailing